The Barnard Loop

directed by Alessandra Ventrella
written by Alessandra Ventrella, Rocco Manfredi
with Jacopo Maria Bianchini, Rocco Manfredi

régie plateau Rocco Manfredi
sound design Dario Andreoli
stage design Paolo Romanini, Rocco Manfredi
costume design Dorothée Henon

logistical support Cie Les Karnavires

a special thanks to Francesco Napoli

thanks to
Émilie Rault, AragoRn Boulanger, Luis Carr, Amandine Buixeda, Julien Lemmonier,
Mathilde Letteron, Giulia Guiducci , Emiliano Curà

Foto: Marco Bergonzi (Raw Sight Production)

A moka that pours coffee without ever being exhausted,
The pot of a plant that comes to life and takes our comfort,
a bed in which the most different objects constantly appear…

The night Barnard is confronted with is constantly punctuated by surreal events to which we cannot give an answer. We cannot be sure it is a dream, any more than we could swear otherwise. Whether asleep or awake, Barnard comes to terms with his own inner reality, seeking an apparent balance in the incoherence of his emotions, desires and thoughts.

The magic to tell a dream,
everyday objects that come alive to bring our imagination to life,
Humor to navigate our own interiority.

The world around us is governed by physical laws that clearly mark
the border between illusion and reality, but what if this were no more the case?
What would happen if our room and our objects were to disappear, move levitating against our will?

The Barnard Loop -nebulous in the constellation Orion of which we know exactly nothing about- delicately deals with the fear of being a nobody that nothing knows for sure, the feeling of being a small dot in the immensity of the universe.

Tableaux in motion and without words, the scenes of the show tell this fear through the journey of a young man on a sleepless night. An intimate portrait of the fears and obsessions of Barnard, a character who is perpetually indecisive and awkward, but who never misses an opportunity to reveal all his fragility.

The show is a tribute to the mysterious, the unpredictable, the destabilising and the surreal. A dreamlike journey of physical and mental states in which repetition, ubiquity, and memory lead us into an endless illusion.

Avec soulagement, avec humiliation, avec terreur,
il comprit que lui aussi était une apparence,
qu’un autre était en train de le rêver.”

Jorge Luis Borges, “Les ruines circulaires”

Production DispensaBarzotti
Coproduction Teatro Necessario Circo – Centro di produzione di circo contemporaneo, Parma
Production support Marseille’s municipality – “action spectacle vivant” program / Theatre Laboratory Sfumato, Sofia / Teatro delle Briciole – Solares Fondazione delle Arti, Parma / Officine CAOS – Torino / Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Armunia Castiglioncello – CapoTrave/Kilowatt Sansepolcro)
Artistic residencies Carrozzerie | n.o.t, Roma / Ville de Billom (63) / FAP – Fondazione Aurelio Petroni San Cipriano Picentino / Théâtre de Cuisine – Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille / Le CIAM – Centre International des Arts en Mouvement, Aix-en-Provence / Ax-Animation, Ax Les Thermes / Pôle Jeune Public, Le Revest Les Eaux / Archaos, Pôle National Cirque, Marseille / Circuito CLAPS, Brescia

Production Awards
“Odiolestate 2018”, Carrozzerie | n.o.t, Roma
Special mention to “Tendenza Clown Festival 2019”, Milano
Finalist show to In Box Blu Festival 2024
Official selection “L’Italia dei Visionari 2024” – Kilowatt Festival

The show is the winner of UNTERNEHMEN dans la culture 2021, a support program for young cultural enterprises organized by the French Ministry of Culture, Relais Culture Europe and the Institut français d’Allemagne.

Photo: Francesco Cibati (Raw Sight Production)