Wonder Project


A question was asked of participants:
“Have you ever had a magical experience?”

The audience goes to a room, or to the foyer of a theatre, or to a small square or to a courtyard, in any case an intimate place, with a warm light, of low intensity… Dozens of little stories float on paper. On a wooden table, a recorder, and a book.

Give your magical experience a title,says the cover.

The audience is invited to tell a magical experience, record their own voice and leave a title of their story on a page of the book.
In exchange for their own story, people receive the title generated by another person’s story, chosen from among those available, with the sole criterion of following the suggestion, choosing a title by perhaps imagining yet another story…

The experiment can be done alone or in the presence of company members.

So far, we have collected love stories, anecdotes about the small poetic events of life and great miracles; stories of premonition, dreams, presences, visions and moments of surrealism and unreality that penetrate reality.


“Projet Merveille” is a travelling exhibition that aims to cover as many kilometres as possible, creating impossible encounters, unique experiences for its visitors.
Festival Vis-à-Vis 2023
Châteauvallon-Liberté, scène nationale

A core event of artistic creation in the prison environment, the Vis-à-Vis Festival has been created and developed by the Théâtre Paris-Villette since 2016.

sound creation | Merveille
Grasse Prison Institute (FR)

“Have you already had a magical experience?”

The same question posed to all participants releases their words and magical stories, leading listeners with their voices into a world far removed from everyday life. Merveille is a sound creation that invites us to reactivate the mechanisms of our dream activity.

The project is part of:

CROSSING THE SEA Networking and exchange between Italy and MENA / Asia / Oceania / South America

The network aims to develop exchange between Italian and Asian artists and structures. The program supports and organizes the realization of training projects and transmission carried by the selected artists promoting exchange and international collaboration. The project is supported by Boarding Pass Plus.